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Planning before a disaster is key to ensuring we respond appropriately when disasters occur. Developing plans for how the County and the Operational Area will respond and recover from emergencies is a collaborative, multi-agency process. EMD develops and maintains numerous plans for specific hazards or essential service functions that require planning and coordination to implement.

County of Riverside Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

The County of Riverside Emergency Operations Plan was formally adopted by the County Board of Supervisors in 2024. This document guides the County in its operations during times of emergency.

2024 Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) 

Previous plans

2019 Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

Emergency Operations Plan (Updated 2022)

Emergency Management Department Strategic Plan

The EMD Strategic Plan defines the organization's culture and set a framework for common goals and priorities. The strategic plan sets the stage for improved coordination and focus among personnel to meet the mission of the department while embodying our code of ethics.

2022-2025 EMD Strategic Plan
2022-2023 Strategic Plan - Appendix A

County of Riverside Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP)

The plan aims to reduce the impact of a disaster by identifying hazards and developing ways to decrease their impact. Risk assessments rate hazards with the greatest potential impact to the community. In addition, long-term prevention or protection steps are developed to lessen the impact of the hazard. This plan creates awareness of hazards, threats, and vulnerabilities within the community, and paves a path forward for jurisdictions to prepare for local disasters.

View and provide input on the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

County of Riverside Desert Area Power Outage Concept of Operations (ConOps)

The purpose of the Desert Area Power Outage Concept of Operations (ConOps) is to identify how the County of Riverside in collaboration with Imperial Irrigation District (IID), and other local, state, and federal partners will prepare for, respond to and recover from unplanned power outages in the desert communities serviced by IID.

View the ConOps
View the ConOps in Spanish