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How to Volunteer

EMD's Volunteer Program seeks to support and celebrate the resiliency of our interdependent communities where volunteering is respected, enhances the life of the volunteer, and advances the common good.

Please click on the link below to download the application.

EMD Volunteer Application


In addition to submitting the volunteer application packet, you will need to include a copy of your valid driver's license, a headshot photo suitable for an ID badge, your Technical Speciality License*, and certificates of completion of the following courses.**

Course requirements are necessary to become a vetted volunteer that can be deployed locally, county-to-county, or nationwide.

Of the "Disaster Awareness" Courses below, you must only complete one:

* Examples of Technical Specialty Licenses: FCC radio license (if applying for RACES), CERT Basic Certificate & CERT Nomination Form (if applying for CERT), Mass Care Feeding and Shelter Certificates from American Red Cross/Riverside County Public Health's Shelter Training Course (if applying for Mass Care Specialist for Shelter Operations), FAST Certificate (if applying for FAST).

** Each course is hyperlinked to the FEMA Independent Study website, where you can take the course at your leisure.

Please complete the application and submit to [email protected] or you can print it and mail it to:

County of Riverside Emergency Management Department
ATTN: Volunteer Program
450 East Alessandro Blvd.
Riverside, CA 92508

If you would like assistance completing a volunteer application, please contact the Emergency Management Department's Volunteer Program team at: (951) 358-7100.