Since the creation of EMD in May 2015, the department diligently works to implement a novel, all-hazards approach to emergency management with integrated programs for our Riverside County Operational Area stakeholders. EMD addresses the four phases of emergency management - mitigation, preparation, response and recovery – in a unified manner that creates recognized leadership in the fields of emergency management and emergency medical services.
Mission Statement
The County of Riverside Emergency Management Department (EMD) enhances the safety and security of the whole community by leading the efforts to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters.
Vision Statement
The County of Riverside Emergency Management Department will become a nationally recognized leader in emergency management.

RivCo Ready!
Contact EMD (Click Here)
EMD receives funds from federal and state agencies to build and enhance our capabilities within Riverside County.
EMD leads or participates in numerous committees that bring our partners together to further our mission of preparing Riverside County for all emergencies and disasters.
EMD develops and maintains numerous plans for specific hazards or essential service functions that require planning and coordination to implement.
Operational Area
The Riverside County Operational Area (OA) serves as a vital communication and coordination link between the local jurisdictions within Riverside County and the State of California for emergency management activities.
Emergency Operations Center
There are two Riverside County Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) situated in Riverside and Indio. The EOCs are maintained in a constant state of readiness to activate quickly once the need arises to share information, coordinate resources and create situational awareness among response agencies and local jurisdictions.
Divisions and Programs
EMD has four divisions that combine traditional emergency management, public health disaster management and emergency medical services into a single, comprehensive, all hazards department. We're not just new in Riverside County. We're first of its kind in the industry of emergency management.
Public Records Act (PRA) Requests
To request public records from the Emergency Management Department, please click on the link below to access the County of Riverside's Public Request Portal.