Having a plan will help lessen the stress of dealing with disaster, and will also help in your recovery. When formulating your plan, take into consideration the potential disasters you might face, and the specific needs of your family.
Download A Family Communications Plan that you can fill out and keep in your purse or wallet.
Click on the links below for information on how to plan for the following emergency situations:
Have a Plan
Those who plan in advance often do better at recovering from disasters than those who do nothing. Your plan should include your entire family and incorporate the family’s specific needs.
Make a Kit
It is unrealistic to think that someone else will provide for all of your family’s needs during and after a disaster. Eventually help and resources will arrive but having an emergency kit is important.
Stay Informed
List of helpful links when you want the answer to questions like “are there road closures where I’m going?” or “was that really an earthquake?”
Get Involved
EMD's Volunteer Program seeks to support and celebrate the resiliency of our interdependent communities where volunteering is respected, enhances the life of the volunteer, and advances the common good.