Riverside EMS Agency Brings Safety Message to 1 Heart/1 Life Poisoning & Overdose Awareness 5K
Sat, 13/04/2024 - 05:00

The 1 Heart/1 Life Poisoning & Overdose Awareness 5K Event was held on 4/13/2024, from 8:00 AM- 2:00 PM. It was put together by Riverside County Behavioral Health RUHS. The 5K featured more than 100 participants from all over the county. Vendors such as Homeless Outreach, Inland Empire Harm Reduction, law enforcement, community partners, and Emergency Management Department (EMD). With the assistance of the EMD outreach team and EMD Emergency Service Coordinators, EMD's Riverside EMS Agency (REMSA) staff was able to connect with residents and others about the services provided by EMD. The event was located at Fairmount Park in Riverside, where EMD staff gave out brochures, bags, emergency waters, pens, but the most popular stop at MED's booth was the CPR dummy where attendees got a chance to learn about naloxone administration (given by bystanders to someone experiencing an opioid overdose).
Staff spoke to dozens of people about Alert RivCo, Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) programs, as well as ways to get involved and stay informed. It was a successful event overall with a lot of positive feedback.
The 5K walk course was decorated with mile markers featuring data about EMS suspected overdose. This was done to provide an overall awareness to the public and walk participants. The event participants were shown statistics and listened to real-life testimonies of people who have been personally affected by overdose. People spoke about how different programs have helped them navigate the traumas they have faced in the past. It was a great turnout with additional events planned for the future.