Prepare Today, Survive Tomorrow Regional Preparedness Events Announced
August 28, 2024
The Emergency Management Department is excited to announce that, for National Preparedness Month 2024, we are partnering with local cities, agencies and non-profits for two Regional National Preparedness Month events, one in western Riverside County and a second, serving the eastern portion of our county. Our goal is to make these events into annual opportunities to promote disaster preparedness to our community. Eventually, we’d like to expand into southwest Riverside County as well.

On September 14th, from 08:00-noon we will have our Western Riverside County Regional National Preparedness Month Expo at Rancho Jurupa Regional Park (4800 Crestmore Rd., Riverside, CA 92509). In addition to EMD, CalFire, RSO, AMR and many others (see flier for participating agencies), Riverside County Parks has worked with California Department of Fish and Wildlife to stock the lake and host a family fishing clinic, which typically brings in attendees and gives us a great opportunity to reach new audiences.
On September 21st we have secured covered outdoor space at the Acrisure Arena (75702 Varner Rd., Palm Desert, CA 92211) for our Coachella Valley Regional National Preparedness Month Expo (also from 08:00 to noon). This location is immediately adjacent to Interstate 10 and very visible from the freeway.
9/14/2024 Prepare Today, Survive Tomorrow Fair (Jurupa Valley) -- English Flier
9/14/2024 Prepare Today, Survive Tomorrow Fair (Jurupa Valley) -- Spanish Flier
9/21/2024 Prepare Today, Survive Tomorrow Fair (Coachella Valley) -- English Flier
9/21/2024 Prepare Today, Survive Tomorrow Fair (Coachella Valley) -- Spanish Flier