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Data and Reports

EMS data provides a window into the high-quality patient care provided within Riverside County. Meaningful use of this data includes quantifying patient experiences through metrics and measures, which will ultimately support further modernization of policies and protocols, and improved patient care.

EMS providers in the field and hospital Emergency Department personnel collect this data, in addition to treating the thousands of patients needing emergency medical care, and document each incident on countywide platforms for broad Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). Their tireless dedication to patient care keeps the Riverside County EMS System moving forward through Agency collaboration and data.

Emergency Medical Care Committee (EMCC)

View EMCC meeting minutes and related resources.

EMS Agency Memoranda

View current and past system advisory memos.

EMS Plans
Archived Plans
SCOPE Dashboard  

The SCOPE Data Dashboard is a dynamic data analytics site for users to access system-wide EMS metrics. It contains overview data including EMS incidents volume, active certifications, Helicopter EMS, stroke and STEMI specialty care, and more.
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SCOPE: System-based Clinical and Operational Performance Evaluation metrics  

Stroke Data Snapshot   
Stroke Dashboard

The stroke system in Riverside County includes EMS providers, hospital with stroke capabilities, and EMS Agency staff dedicated to the improvement of the care of stroke patients in Riverside County.

Click through for data on where stroke cases originate, where they are treated, survival rates, volume by age groups, and more.

STEMI Data Snapshot   
STEMI Dashboard

The STEMI system in Riverside County includes EMS providers, hospital with STEMI capabilities, and EMS Agency staff dedicated to the improvement of the care of STEMI patients in Riverside County.

Click through for data on where STEMI cases originate, how quickly they are treated, survival rates, and more.

Seasonal APOT and Flu Volume  
APOT Seasonal

This report details the Ambulance Patient Offload Time for seasonal peaks that may be attributed to fluctuations in Influenza-Like-Illness cases in Riverside County.

Click through for data on ambulance transports by hospital, offline delays by hospital, facilities that had patients redirected away due to excessive patient offload time, influenza cases by week, and more.

Current Reports and Historical Specials Seasonal Report for 2019-20 and 2018-19 can be found here.

Archived Reports can be found here.